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Passive Haptic Rehearsal for Augmented Piano Learning in the Wild

Passive Haptic Rehearsal for Augmented Piano Learning in the Wild

Tan Gemicioglu, Elijah Hopper, Brahmi Dwivedi, Richa Kulkarni, Asha Bhandarkar, Priyanka Rajan, Nathan Eng, Adithya Ramanujam, Charles Ramey, Scott M. Gilliland, Celeste Mason, Caitlyn Seim, Thad Starner

Published in Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2024


Passive haptic learning (PHL) is a method for training motor skills via intensive repetition of haptic stimuli while a user is focused on other tasks. For the practical application of PHL to music education, we propose passive haptic rehearsal (PHR) where PHL is combined with deliberate active practice. We designed a piano teaching system that includes haptic gloves compatible with daily wear, a Casio keyboard with light-up keys, and an online learning portal that enables users to track performance, choose lessons, and connect with the gloves and keyboard. We conducted a longitudinal two-week study in the wild, where 36 participants with musical experience learned to play two piano songs with and without PHR. For 20 participants with complete and valid data, we found that PHR boosted the learning rate for the matching accuracy by 49.7% but did not have a significant effect on learning the notes' rhythm. Participants across all skill levels in the study require approximately two days less to reach mastery on the songs practiced when using PHR. We also confirmed that PHR boosts recall between active practice sessions. We hope that our results and system will enable the deployment of PHL beyond the laboratory.

full-paper      haptics, implicit-interfaces, learning, piano doi paper


FingerSpeller: Camera-Free Text Entry Using Smart Rings for American Sign Language Fingerspelling Recognition

FingerSpeller: Camera-Free Text Entry Using Smart Rings for American Sign Language Fingerspelling Recognition

David Martin, Zikang Leng, Tan Gemicioglu, Jon Womack, Jocelyn Heath, Bill Neubauer, Hyeokhyen Kwon, Thomas Plöetz, Thad Starner

Published in The 25th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, 2023


Camera-based text entry using American Sign Language (ASL) fingerspelling has become more feasible due to recent advancements in recognition technology. However, there are numerous situations where camera-based text entry may not be ideal or acceptable. To address this, we present FingerSpeller, a solution that enables camera-free text entry using smart rings. FingerSpeller utilizes accelerometers embedded in five smart rings from TapStrap, a commercially available wearable keyboard, to track finger motion and recognize fingerspelling. A Hidden Markov Model (HMM) based backend with continuous Gaussian modeling facilitates accurate recognition as evaluated in a real-world deployment. In offline isolated word recognition experiments conducted on a 1,164-word dictionary, FingerSpeller achieves an average character accuracy of 91% and word accuracy of 87% across three participants. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the system can be downsized to only two rings while maintaining an accuracy level of approximately 90% compared to the original configuration. This reduction in form factor enhances user comfort and significantly improves the overall usability of the system.

poster      accessibility, sensing, subtle-interaction doi paper

TongueTap: Multimodal Tongue Gesture Recognition with Head-Worn Devices

TongueTap: Multimodal Tongue Gesture Recognition with Head-Worn Devices

Tan Gemicioglu, R. Michael Winters, Yu-Te Wang, Thomas M. Gable, Ivan J. Tashev

Published in International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI'23), 2023


Mouth-based interfaces are a promising new approach enabling silent, hands-free and eyes-free interaction with wearable devices. However, interfaces sensing mouth movements are traditionally custom-designed and placed near or within the mouth. TongueTap synchronizes multimodal EEG, PPG, IMU, eye tracking and head tracking data from two commercial headsets to facilitate tongue gesture recognition using only off-the-shelf devices on the upper face. We classified eight closed-mouth tongue gestures with 94% accuracy, offering an invisible and inaudible method for discreet control of head-worn devices. Moreover, we found that the IMU alone differentiates eight gestures with 80% accuracy and a subset of four gestures with 92% accuracy. We built a dataset of 48,000 gesture trials across 16 participants, allowing TongueTap to perform user-independent classification. Our findings suggest tongue gestures can be a viable interaction technique for VR/AR headsets and earables without requiring novel hardware.

full-paper      gesture, sensing, subtle-interaction doi paper dataset

Gaze & Tongue: A Subtle Hands-Free Interaction for Head-worn Devices

Gaze & Tongue: A Subtle Hands-Free Interaction for Head-worn Devices

Tan Gemicioglu, R. Michael Winters, Yu-Te Wang, Thomas M. Gable, Ann Paradiso, Ivan J. Tashev

Published in Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2023


Gaze tracking allows hands-free and voice-free interaction with computers, and has gained more use recently in virtual and augmented reality headsets. However, it traditionally uses dwell time for selection tasks, which suffers from the Midas Touch problem. Tongue gestures are subtle, accessible and can be sensed non-intrusively using an IMU at the back of the ear, PPG and EEG. We demonstrate a novel interaction method combining gaze tracking with tongue gestures for gaze-based selection faster than dwell time and multiple selection options. We showcase its usage as a point-and-click interface in three hands-free games and a musical instrument.

demo      gaze, gesture, sensing, subtle-interaction doi paper

Transitional Gestures for Enhancing ITR and Accuracy in Movement-based BCIs

Transitional Gestures for Enhancing ITR and Accuracy in Movement-based BCIs

Tan Gemicioglu, Yuhui Zhao, Melody Jackson, Thad Starner

Published in Proceedings of the 10th International Brain-Computer Interface Meeting, 2023


BCIs using imagined or executed movement enable subjects to communicate by performing gestures in sequential patterns. Conventional interaction methods have a one-to-one mapping between movements and commands but new methods such as BrainBraille have instead used a pseudo-binary encoding where multiple body parts are tensed simultaneously. However, non-invasive BCI modalities such as EEG and fNIRS have limited spatial specificity, and have difficulty distinguishing simultaneous movements. We propose a new method using transitions in gesture sequences to combinatorially increase possible commands without simultaneous movements. We demonstrate the efficacy of transitional gestures in a pilot fNIRS study where accuracy increased from 81% to 92% when distinguishing transitions of two movements instead of two movements independently. We calculate ITR for a potential transitional version of BrainBraille, where ITR would increase from 143bpm to 218bpm.

poster      brain-computer-interface, gesture paper


Tongue Gestures for Hands-Free Interaction in Head Worn Displays

Tongue Gestures for Hands-Free Interaction in Head Worn Displays

Tan Gemicioglu, Mike Winters, Yu-Te Wang, Ivan Tashev

Published in Proceedings of the 2022 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, 2022


Head worn displays are often used in situations where users’ hands may be occupied or otherwise unusable due to permanent or situational movement impairments. Hands-free interaction methods like voice recognition and gaze tracking allow accessible interaction with reduced limitations for user ability and environment. Tongue gestures offer an alternative method of private, hands-free and accessible interaction. However, past tongue gesture interfaces come in intrusive or otherwise inconvenient form factors preventing their implementation in head worn displays. We present a multimodal tongue gesture interface using existing commercial headsets and sensors only located in the upper face. We consider design factors for choosing robust and usable tongue gestures, introduce eight gestures based on the criteria and discuss early work towards tongue gesture recognition with the system.

poster      gesture, sensing, subtle-interaction doi paper poster

Learning Piano Songs with Passive Haptic Training: an Interactive Lesson

Learning Piano Songs with Passive Haptic Training: an Interactive Lesson

Asha Bhandarkar, Tan Gemicioglu, Brahmi Dwivedi, Caitlyn Seim, Thad Starner

Published in Proceedings of the 2022 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, 2022


Passive haptic learning (PHL) is a method for learning piano pieces through repetition of haptic stimuli while a user is focused on other daily tasks. In combination with active practice techniques, this method is a powerful tool for users to learn piano pieces with less time spent in active practice while also reducing cognitive effort and increasing retention. We propose a demo combining these two learning methods, in which attendees will engage in a short active practice session followed by a passive practice session using vibrotactile haptic gloves. Attendees will be able to experience the effects of passive haptic learning for themselves as well as gauge their mastery of the piece with a final performance at the end of the demo.

demo      haptics, learning, piano doi paper video Best Demo Award

SilentSpeller: Towards mobile, hands-free silent speech text entry using electropalatography

SilentSpeller: Towards mobile, hands-free silent speech text entry using electropalatography

Naoki Kimura, Tan Gemicioglu, Jonathan Womack, Richard Li, Yuhui Zhao, Abdelkareem Bedri, Zixiong Su, Alex Olwal, Jun Rekimoto, Thad Starner

Published in Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2022


Speech is inappropriate in many situations, limiting when voice control can be used. Most unvoiced speech text entry systems can not be used while on-the-go due to movement artifacts. Using a dental retainer with capacitive touch sensors, SilentSpeller tracks tongue movement, enabling users to type by spelling words without voicing. SilentSpeller achieves an average 97% character accuracy in offline isolated word testing on a 1164-word dictionary. Walking has little effect on accuracy; average offline character accuracy was roughly equivalent on 107 phrases entered while walking (97.5%) or seated (96.5%). To demonstrate extensibility, the system was tested on 100 unseen words, leading to an average 94% accuracy. Live text entry speeds for seven participants averaged 37 words per minute at 87% accuracy. Comparing silent spelling to current practice suggests that SilentSpeller may be a viable alternative for silent mobile text entry.

full-paper      sensing, subtle-interaction doi paper video

Passive Haptic Rehearsal for Accelerated Piano Skill Acquisition

Passive Haptic Rehearsal for Accelerated Piano Skill Acquisition

Tan Gemicioglu, Noah Teuscher, Brahmi Dwivedi, Soobin Park, Emerson Miller, Celeste Mason, Caitlyn Seim, Thad Starner

Published in Intelligent Music Interfaces Workshop at the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2022


Passive haptic learning (PHL) uses vibrotactile stimulation to train piano songs using repetition, even when the recipient of stimulation is focused on other tasks. However, many of the benefits of playing piano cannot be acquired without actively playing the instrument. In this position paper, we posit that passive haptic rehearsal, where active piano practice is assisted by separate sessions of passive stimulation, is of greater everyday use than solely PHL. We propose a study to examine the effects of passive haptic rehearsal for self-paced piano learners and consider how to incorporate passive rehearsal into everyday practice.

workshop      haptics, piano doi paper slides


Mobile, Hands-Free, Silent Speech Texting Using SilentSpeller

Mobile, Hands-Free, Silent Speech Texting Using SilentSpeller

Naoki Kimura, Tan Gemicioglu, Jonathan Womack, Richard Li, Yuhui Zhao, Abdelkareem Bedri, Alex Olwal, Jun Rekimoto, Thad Starner

Published in Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2021


Voice control provides hands-free access to computing, but there are many situations where audible speech is not appropriate. Most unvoiced speech text entry systems can not be used while on-the-go due to movement artifacts. SilentSpeller enables mobile silent texting using a dental retainer with capacitive touch sensors to track tongue movement. Users type by spelling words without voicing. In offline isolated word testing on a 1164-word dictionary, SilentSpeller achieves an average 97% character accuracy. 97% offline accuracy is also achieved on phrases recorded while walking or seated. Live text entry achieves up to 53 words per minute and 90% accuracy, which is competitive with expert text entry on mini-QWERTY keyboards without encumbering the hands.

demo      sensing, subtle-interaction doi paper video BuzzFeed